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网络风险 & 责任:公共关系专家在网络事件响应中的作用


当网络事件发生时, 组织需要迅速有效地作出反应,以限制相关损失. 因此,组织采用详细的网络事件响应计划至关重要. These plans should outline specific steps organizations can take to maintain key operations and avoid large-scale disruptions and damage during various cyberattack scenarios, 包括数据泄露, 网络钓鱼诈骗和勒索软件事件.

维护足够的通信协议是任何网络事件响应计划的主要元素. These protocols can help organizations keep stakeholders and the public properly informed throughout cyber incidents, 减少可能出现的沟通不畅的风险, 声誉受损和收入损失.

The best way for organizations to establish solid communication protocols amid the cyber incident response process is by working with public relations (PR) specialists. 这些专业人员通常负责开发, executing and updating organizations’ communication strategies as needed to help promote a positive company image. This article provides more information on the role of a PR specialist in an organization’s cyber incident response plan and explains how 网络保险 can facilitate access to specialized PR services, 最终加强事件响应工作.


A PR specialist can assist an organization with several communication initiatives throughout the cyber incident response process, 包括以下内容:

  • 危机沟通计划-一旦组织组织了其网络事件响应团队的其他成员(例如.g., IT专家, 法律顾问及人力资源专业人士), 公关专家可以帮助确定每个人的关键角色和职责. Doing so can establish a clear chain of command and outline specific crisis communication methods for these individuals to follow when a cyber incident occurs, 让每个人都了解他们所分配的应对措施. 美高美集团4688他们的职责, a PR specialist can compile a list of stakeholders who should be informed of cyber incidents amid different scenarios and put together pre-written email or text message templates to ensure prompt delivery of important incident developments and recovery progress to these parties.  
  • 及时的消息在应对网络攻击时,透明度是关键. 通过在整个攻击过程中与网络事件响应团队的其他成员合作, a PR specialist can aid an organization in communicating openly and honestly with stakeholders regarding the latest incident updates. 具体地说, a PR specialist can utilize their pre-written templates to provide precise and accurate messaging that summarizes incident details and highlights resolution steps on a suitable communication schedule, 比如每小时更新一次. 这种信息传递可以帮助缓解利益相关者之间的压力或恐慌, 让他们在组织应对事件时保持对组织的信任.
  • 内部沟通—An organization needs to keep its employees informed to ensure they handle different cyberattack scenarios appropriately and prevent them from acting on misinformation. 公关专家可以管理员工在网络事件中的沟通, helping these individuals stay engaged and addressing any concerns they may have regarding attack details and response measures.
  • 公众认知和媒体关系的管理-在网络事件中保持员工和其他利益相关者的知情权, 组织可能需要与公众讨论这些事件. 在这些情况下, a PR specialist can help the organization handle any media inquiries and provide timely public statements. This may entail issuing regular press releases as the incident evolves and associated recovery initiatives take place, 在跨新闻平台的与事件相关的采访中代表公司, and monitoring the company’s social media accounts to answer the public’s questions and correct any false information being shared. These efforts can make all the difference in helping the organization uphold a respected brand and minimize shifts in public perception due to the incident.
  • 长期声誉维护-即使组织在整个网络事件中提供了及时和诚实的沟通, 该事件可能会对其声誉造成一定程度的损害, 可能导致利益相关者信心的降低, 公众批评加剧,员工士气低落. 记住这一点, it’s critical for the organization to assess the aftermath of the incident with a PR specialist and implement necessary measures to restore long-term trust in its company image. This may involve communicating with stakeholders and releasing public statements regarding the organization’s commitment to cybersecurity and the steps being taken to prevent future incidents. 进一步, a PR specialist can work closely with the organization’s IT department to bolster employees’ cybersecurity awareness and develop more engaging educational initiatives (e.g.、实际操作训练及日常事故应变演习). These measures can help all parties feel more assured that the organization is taking cybersecurity seriously and actively limiting its digital exposures.


An organization’s cyber incident response team typically includes experts and professionals across multiple fields. 值得注意的是, 这取决于组织的规模和内部资源, 其响应小组可能包括内部或外部各方. 换句话说, 较大的组织可能拥有完全内部的响应团队, 而资源较少的小型组织可能会寻求第三方供应商的帮助. 无论如何, 在雇佣任何供应商来帮助应对网络事件之前, 包括公关专家, organizations should consult their cyber insurers to determine whether any policy provisions include vendor-related stipulations or requirements; some insurers mandate policyholders to work with preselected vendors that offer negotiated rates, 因此限制了相关的索赔费用.

对于企业来说,在聘请公关专家之前咨询他们的网络保险公司尤为重要, 因为保险公司可以将投保人与提供专业公关服务的供应商联系起来.g., 高级危机管理解决方案, 自定义内容创建, 声誉和公司绩效指标, 深入的思想领导策略),否则他们不会得到. 这意味着, 除了提供急需的财务保护,防止网络攻击造成的损失, 网络保险 may also pave the way for organizations to receive simplified access to the best possible PR solutions, equipping them with the resources needed to maintain a trustworthy brand in even the most difficult situations.


How an organization responds to a cyber incident can make or break its financial and reputational stability. 通过与公关专家合作,并利用其网络保险公司提供的任何服务, an organization can identify and adopt successful communication strategies for a range of cyberattack scenarios, keeping necessary parties well-informed both during and after an incident and upholding an esteemed company image.


网络风险 & Liabilities document is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. 读者应联系法律顾问或保险专业人士以获得适当的建议. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.  






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